
Monday, December 5, 2011

Once Upon a Time...

By Bill Willingham

Once upon a time, all of your fairy tales turned out to be true…

Fables is a graphic novel series created by writer Bill Willingham. The series focuses around various characters from fairy tales and folklore that have been forced out of their Homelands by The Adversary. The Fables have created their own secret community in New York City known as Fabletown. Certain Fables who are unable to blend in with human society (The Three Little Pigs, Bageera, etc.) live at “The Farm” in upstate New York.

Bill Willingham has completely re-created the characters from popular fairy tales. Snow White is Deputy Mayor of Fabletown and her prince of old is not so charming. The story arcs are diverse, ranging from murder mysteries to a political war with a surplus amount of back-story on your favorite fairy tale characters!

Let me start off by saying I am not a “graphic novel” reader. Not that there is anything wrong with reading and enjoying them, I just never had the desire to pick up a comic book and take a gander. So it was no secret that I wasn’t too excited when we were assigned to read graphic novels for my young adult literature course last semester. I struggled with my choice, finally settling for a standard Batman/Superman theme. Soon after I begrudgingly read through my comic I noticed one of my classmates (and Goodreads friend) was reading the Fables series for our assignment. Suddenly I was taken aback, fairy tales as comic books? Umm yes, please!! I immediately harassed her for all of the information she had on the Fables series and Mr. Bill Willingham and that, my friends, is the beginning of a beautiful love affair between myself and the characters of Fabletown (primarily Mr. Bigby Wolf, I won’t lie).

So, in a nutshell, drop what you are doing and go to your local library, find these graphic novels and start reading!! Seriously, go now.

Oh and for those of you reading this thinking how daft I am for finally jumping on this bandwagon that you have been riding on for years, did you know Bill Willingham has other graphic novels? How about a novel called Down the Mysterly River? Bet you didn’t…

Series Rating: 5 out of 5

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