
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Top 10 Books To Read in a Day

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created over at
The Broke and the Bookish which I adore and therefore chose to adopt into my weekly blog posts!

Ack! I am a failure today and can only think of eight, I think this means I have been reading books that are too long! :]

The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede – This series is one I still pick up when I want a quick read I know I love.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum – Any books from this series really, they are whimsical and fun so they make me happy.

Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling – I can’t really choose a favorite though since this is strictly “to read in a day” I would have to go with one of the first 3 books because then the books get extremely long!

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – Though I honestly don’t know if I will ever read these again (I didn’t love them) they were still very entertaining and I breezed through all three.

The Princess Bride by William Goldman - What is better than The Princess Bride? Nothing! The film adaptation is also my "sick movie" that I watch whenver I am feeling down. It's totes "wuv, twu wuv" forever.

Fables by Bill Willingham – Okay these are not books they are graphic novels and therefore I read through them in about 30 minutes but I still love them enough to know that I will want to finish them in one sitting.

Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris – Not prize winning writing but these are short and fun books that I breeze through and enjoy reading.

Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton – This series is what I call my guilty pleasure; they are quick reads with a lot of action so they are read rather quickly.

Obsessed with this artwork


  1. Definitely agree with Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, and Sookie Stackhouse! I need to read the Princess Bride one of these days, I know I will like it!

  2. Sookie books are the best for one-day reads! I can't believe I forgot them on my Top Ten Tuesday. Nice job.

  3. I have never read the Princess Bride, but I do enjoy the movie. Once day I will have to read it.
    PS I love the art work too, who is it by? I love Wizard of Oz

  4. I loved the Sookie Stackhouse books! And who hasn't read The Hunger Games (besides people who just don't read)? Interesting list!

    My Top Ten

  5. I've never heard of The Enchanted Forest Chronicles. I'm going to look into them, especially since you say they are such a quick read. Thanks!

    1. They are a little juvenile but I love them! They are some of my favorite books actually. If you like dragons you will enjoy them! :]

  6. Psh, Fables totally counts! I put it on my list as well! Love them. Still need to read Peter and Max...

  7. The Princess Bride <3. It's been a while since I've read the book, but the movie is definitely my "sick" go-to as well!

    I totally agree about the HP books - the first one, especially. I can read that over and over and over again, and still be mesmerized. I just love Harry's intro to the magic world!

    New follower here, btw :)

    1. I can NEVER get tired of HP! I probably need to read The Princess Bride again, it has been years since I have read it! Thanks for following!!

  8. Harry Potter, Sookie Stackhouse and The Hunger Games are on my tbr list. I haven't heard of The Enchanted Forest Chronicles but will have to check them out.
    Nancy @ The Avid Reader
    Here is mine
    Top Ten Tuesday
